The Cases of the Albanian Language - Based on the Point of View of the Linguist Fatmir Agalliu

Petrit Duraj, Fridrik Dulaj, Senad Neziri, Nexhmije Kastrati


This paper aims to provide the contribution of the linguist Fatmir Agalliu and his point of view for Albanian language’s cases. Fatmir Agalliu belongs to the first generation of Albanian linguists that were educated inside the country that have given important support in the study of Albanian Language. An important and big value case is also his contribution on the determination of the number of cases in Albanian Language. In the determination of the number and the classification of cases of a language, we should consider specific features of that language and we should not apply a case system of another language mechanically. In Albanian declension there are two different aspects, definite and indefinite aspect. That means that case forms are doubled. Therefore, instead of having two nominative forms, one for singular and one for plural, we have four forms in fact, two for singular (definite and indefinite) and two for plural (definite and indefinite). Form and the content should take into consideration in treating case as a grammatical category claims Fatmir Agalliu.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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