Exploring The Dynamics of Intertextuality: A Study of Selected Works by Rajāʾ ʿĀlim



RajāʾʿĀlim, a distinguished Saudi Arabian author, is often noted for her overtly complex and densely layered use of intertextual references, which renders her writing convoluted and intricate. However, this research argues that despite these criticisms, her intertextual approach ultimately enriches the literary experience, highlighting her significant impact on Saudi and Arabic literature through the lens of intertextuality.

The study explores ʿĀlim's intertextual approach in various genres (novels, short stories, and drama), seamlessly integrating aesthetic and political elements for a captivating and intellectually stimulating reading experience. Through analyzing literary, religious, historical, and mythical references, the research reveals the profound implications of her intertextuality.

The findings demonstrate that intertextuality serves as a powerful tool, expanding the scope of her texts and transcending boundaries, thus placing her work within a larger universal context. It fosters familiarity and connection with established texts, prompting readers to adopt innovative reading approaches that challenge the notion of self-contained literary works. This cultivates a diverse cultural discourse, bridging her work to a timeless and borderless literary heritage, and giving rise to fresh perspectives or commentaries on the role of literature within society, actively participating in pivotal contemporary discussions.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n3p108

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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