Linguistic Landscape and Markedness Conceptualization in Commercial Ads

Mahyuni Mahyuni, M. Fadjri, Nur Ahmadi, Ahmad Zamzam, Lalu Jaswadi Putera, Nuriadi Nuriadi


This research focuses on the linguistic landscape (abbreviated as LL) and explores how both linguistic and non-linguistic markedness are manipulated in commercial advertisements to create a compelling impact on potential customers, thereby attracting their attention to the product. The study utilizes data collected from commercial signs found on social media platforms and snapshots taken within the Mataram Municipal area. These gathered data are then subjected to analytical processing, taking into account the verbal and non-verbal context surrounding the advertisements. Additionally, the conceptual aspects of the speakers are also considered to support the analysis of the marked and unmarked status of the analyzed terms. The findings reveal that the exposure of markedness in the signage heavily relies on foregrounding techniques. Foregrounding is primarily achieved through the violation of the speakers' expectations regarding the terms used, encompassing both linguistic and socio-cultural perspectives that readers possess. Furthermore, these foregrounding techniques are reinforced by the proximity between the text and the surrounding context of the signage and its environment. By combining these textual and environmental elements, advertisers aim to optimize the intended message conveyed by the signage.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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