Folklores of the Zos of Manipur as a Reportorial Emporium of Indigenous Existentialism

P. Hoideiniang Zou, Evangeline Priscilla. B


Tribal Literature has always been a mark of human thought and identity. Each nation has rich ancestral writings and in India, Manipur tribal literature conforms the same. Its vibrant and aching writings ought to be recorded to preserve its accessible cultural identity and dictating folklores. Ancestral writing of the Zos is one of the intrusion through which the readers discern oral stories and folklores of the said tribal locale. The availability of the equivalent is in two structures; oral literature and the cutting edge composed written literature. The objective of this paper is to draw out writings of the Zos of Manipur with archival evidences and documentations. This paper determines to unlace the writings of the Zos by contributing to the field of social sciences and humanities. India being considered as one of the biggest ancestral locales all over the world, needs to invariably add new knowledge to the field of Tribal Literature. Indigenous literature of the Zos is being regarded as a losing ground because of the western cultural influence and a survey was conducted among the residents and non-residents of Manipur to prove the same. Thus, the paper aims to deal with glimpses of Zo folklores and its infallible choice to raise conscious awareness of cultural immediacy through Indigenous Existentialism approach. The goal is to preserve, protect, and present indigenous world-views and experiences of the Zo folk traditions from an indigenous perspective, as it adheres and assert major influence to its often-eroding existential cultural crisis.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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