Analysis of the Interrelatedness of Self -Regulation, Learners’ Engagement, and Self-Perceived Development in a Synchronous Online EFL Reading Course

Alanazi. Zaha


Self- regulated learning (SRL) and engagement have been postulated as important traits for success in online learning. However, little is known about how these constructs and their subconstructs are related and how they impact learners’ self-perceived success particularly with receptive English skills in EFL contexts. This study was conducted to address this gap in the literature through assessing the impact of SRL on 55 EFL Saudi learners’ levels of engagement in and self-reported satisfaction with an online EFL course. Results from regression and correlation analyses revealed the importance of self-regulatory skills in enhancing learners’ engagement and perceived success in an online reading course. The results also highlighted the importance of considering the subconstructs of both engagement and self-regulation in understanding their relationship and their overall relatedness to self-reported success in an online course on reading comprehension. The findings also point to the need for a unified definition of the two constructs and the significance of considering the distinct contribution of their subconstructs. Pedagogical and theoretical implications are discussed in light of the study’s findings.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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