A Conversation Analysis on the Interview between Agnez Monica and Host in “Build Talk Show”

T. Thyrhaya Zein, Ronobel Boston Silalahi, Muhammad Yusuf


The aim of the study is to determine how the aspects of conversational interactions are realized in the conversation. The researcher collects and analyzes data by applied qualitative content analysis through documentation technique. The data of this study were the utterances while the source of data is a video of the interview between the interviewer (Kevan Kenney) and the interviewee (Agnez Monica a.k.a Agnez Mo) in Build Talk Show. The source of the data was downloaded from the official Youtube channel of Build Talk Show with a duration of 27:03 minutes. The data analysis is based on the theory of conversation analysis proposed by Paltridge. The results of this study show that the interviewer (Kevan Kenney) employed the aspects of conversational interactions in asking and responding to the questions of the interviewee. The aspects of conversational interactions such as opening conversation, adjacency pairs, preference organization, turn taking, and feedback were used. Where as, closing conversation and repair categories were not used by interviewer throughout the conversation. On the other hand, the interviewee used Turn Taking, Feedback and Repair, but Opening and Closing Conversation, Adjacency Pairs, and Preference Organization were not used by the interviewee throughout the conversation. So, five of seven aspects of conversational interactions in conversation are applied. Those aspects of conversational interactions are realized in this conversation because it is the standard in conversation, and the interviewer and interviewee applied the aspects of conversational interactions in order to seek the information from the interviewee, to give the clarification of the issues and make a good communication in that conversation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v11n2p52

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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