Learning by Gaming: Investigating the Effectiveness of Kahoot! on Young ESL Learners’ Language Performance

Akshaya Navinkumar, Sivakami B


Educators turn to game-based language education to offer immersive and interactive learning experiences that foster language acquisition. This fun and engaging mode of learning is resultant of the rapid growth of technology and the rising popularity of internet-based games. The present study investigated the effectiveness of gamification of Kahoot! to enhance grammar acquisition of young ESL learners. In a pre-experimental quantitative research setting, a purposive sample of 68 sixth-grade ESL learners is utilized, employing research instruments like pre-tests, post-tests, and questionnaires to evaluate the efficacy of gamified learning for grammar acquisition. The SPSS analysis suggests a statistically significant improvement in students' post-test scores in grammar, affirming Kahoot!'s positive impact on student motivation and engagement. This study strongly highlights gamification as a powerful strategy in enhancing language acquisition and nurturing a positive learning experience.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n3p148

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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