Critical Thinking in Higher Education: Faculty and Student Perspectives within an Outcome-Based Framework in Oman

Syerina Syahrin, Khalid Almashiki, Eman Alzaanin


This study investigates the pedagogical integration and application of critical thinking skills within outcome-based classroom settings at a higher learning institution in Oman by addressing the complementing and contrasting perspectives of the faculty and students. The research employed online surveys to gather data from 74 faculty members and 877 students. The research’s finding highlights that faculty members perceived highly that they integrate critical thinking skills in their classroom teaching and learning, however, students’ perceptions regarding its integration varied. Both groups agree on the importance of emphasizing critical thinking in Omani educational environments. The findings of the study revealed that students showed preference for test questions that tackles their critical thinking skills over rote memorization. However, they may not completely agree with the current methods used to assess critical thinking skills. The students’ perception resonates with broader pedagogical discussions.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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