The Impact of the Dynamicity and Non-dynamicity of Assessment on EFL Learners' Productive Skills: Attitude in Focus

Mohammad Awad Al-Dawoody Abdulaal, Hanan Maneh Al-Johani


The possible effects of dynamic evaluation (DE) and non-dynamic (non-DE) evaluation on the productive skills of Saudi EFL students were examined in this study. This study also looked at how Saudi EFL students felt about utilizing DE in their writing and speaking sessions. To achieve these objectives, sixty-four Saudi intermediate EFL students were split into two groups and selected using the convenience sample approach. Then, a pre-test was given to both groups for two skills: speaking and writing. After that, one group was taught speaking and writing using dynamic evaluation, while the other group was taught using NDE. Following eighteen training sessions, the groups were given posttests in speaking and writing, and the dynamic evaluation group was also given a perception questionnaire. The speaking and writing posttests for the two groups showed a substantial difference that favored the experimental group. The speaking and writing posttests demonstrated that the DE group fared better than the non-DE group. The results also pointed out that the DE group members had favorable opinions of the evaluation process. It was concluded that one of the best ways to help EFL students advance in their English language learning is to use DE in the classroom. Teachers and course designers may be convinced to incorporate dynamic evaluation into their lesson plans and courses by the consequences of this research.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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