Challenges Experienced by EFL Learners in the Context of the ESP Course at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia

Abdulghani Eissa Tour Mohammed, Mohammed AbdAlgane, Asjad Ahmed Saeed Balla, Awwad Othman Abdelaziz Ahmed


This study summarizes difficulties associated with studying a course entitled "English Language 01, with a university code (ENG 101) as a general university requirement course for non-specialist students taught to various departments at Qassim University. ENG 101, is a university preparatory course with an overall objective that goes beyond improving student English language skills, which remained a challenge for some students. Despite the clarity of its objectives, achieving these goals is difficult for some students, especially those who joined colleges with poor language skills. Thus, their problems go back to previous stages where traditional teaching methods were prevalent. Concerning data collection required for investigating problems associated with the present study, the researchers used a qualitative data collection technique that involves gathering and processing numerical data to conduct statistical analysis. Data analysis showed several significant findings, writing and listening respectively emerge as the most formidable talent, as evidenced by a great number of "Not Good At" responses, with the majority of participants experiencing difficulty with these two essential skills.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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