Hyperreality in the Meratus Dayak Basambu Umang in South Kalimantan (Hipersemiotic Study): An Overview of Language and Culture

Rosida Tiurma Manurung, Nanda Saputra, Indra Rahayu Setiawan, Yuentie Sova Puspidalia, Fatmahwati A, Fairul Zabadi, Sy. Nurul Syobah, Endang Fatmawati


The Basambu Umang ritual is one of the ceremonies that the Meratus Dayak community routinely performs. In particular, this study aims at describing and analyzing hyperreality in the Basambu Umang’s ritual. The rituals and the informants consist of traditional leaders.  Balians and patati have been used as data sources such as ritual events. The data related to the hyperreality in the Basambu Umang’s ritual were obtained through direct observations and in-depth interviews. The next step is data validation by triangulation of data. The data analysis steps were carried out using interactive analysis techniques, and several facts were found. The paper reported language and culture of social groups and traditions. For instance, offerings used must not be eaten prior to the event because it will cause pain in the non-medical body or if those in the hall come home before the event ends.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n7p319

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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