Organizational Identification among Workers in Yatta Education Directorate

Kamal Makhamreh, Jafar Abu saa


This study aimed to identify the level of organizational Identification among workers in Yatta Education Directorate from their point of view and indicate the extent of organizational similarity level according to gender, educational criterion, occupation, and years of practice.

The descriptive approach based on the questionnaire was used. A random sample of (58) male and female workers from the Yatta education directorate was selected, which forms 63% of the study population (110) male and female teachers. The study results indicated that the level of organizational Identification among workers came at a high degree, with no statistically significant differences in organizational Identification among workers according to gender, educational qualification, occupation, and years of experience.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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