Teaching English Grammar with Special Reference to the Use of Prepositions at Al-Balqa Applied University

Nour Mohammad Harara


This study aims to investigate the teaching of English grammar with special reference to the use of prepositions at Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan. The researcher has collected the data from a total of 120 students studying English at the four levels of BA English students.  From each level, 30 students were selected to participate in this study. The data on English prepositions and other grammatical categories were analyzed by using a statistical model like SPSS version 16.0. The statistical analysis indicates that: (1) there is plenty of differences in the rate of committed errors by students at all levels. Furthermore, students face many problems in the use of English prepositions than the other grammatical categories. These problems are probably a result of the interference of their mother tongue (Arabic), and the lack of linguistic competence. (2) Errors of prepositions and other grammatical categories were not equally distributed within all levels of students. (3) The statistical analysis shows that prepositions are the most problematic grammatical item for students. Finally, the negative role of mother tongues influences in the learning of English prepositions and other grammatical categories noticed high. Some pedagogical implications have been given.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n2p117

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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