The Theme of Humanitarianism as Portrayed in Langston Hughes’ Poetry

Ahmed Adam Abdalla Babiker


This study focuses on the theme of humanitarianism as portrayed in Hughes’ poetry. One key objective of this study is to find out to what extent Hughes deals with the theme of humanitarianism in his poetry. Also, to shed lights on the theme of humanitarianism as human value and to compare the western concept of humanitarianism with the Islamic one and reach some conclusions. The study follows the descriptive, analytic and comparative approach to discuss and rationally analyze five selected poems of Hughes with special reference to the theme of humanitarianism that is depicted in them. In accordance, a number of findings have been obtained:  many types of humanitarianism such as reducing the human suffering, protection of human rights, including, right of life, security, freedom, equality, justice and peace have been portrayed in Langston Hughes poetry. In addition, values of impartiality and neutrality which represent the central point of humanitarianism are also portrayed. Also, it can be said that conducting comparative studies is one important means for cultural understanding between different peoples, and can be used as an effective means for the exchange of ideas, values, experiences and yet draw the nations closer to each other; hence contributing to the spread of understanding and peace between peoples. Moreover, despite the existence of some differences in some points, specifications and concepts, nonetheless, the theme of humanitarianism is found as a key value in both American and Islamic traditions; although the difference of cultures, including religions. Lastly, it can be said that due to the findings of the study, we could argue that, the humanitarianism cannot be separated from human rights.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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