Yerma-Lorca’s Portrayal of a Tragic Woman

Farnaz Sadaf


This research paper traces the factors that lie behind the psychological and physical agony of a humble peasantwoman in rural Spain with reference to Lorca’s play, Yerma. The unfortunate Yerma craves for self realization in theform of maternity, but her barrenness becomes a source of unending torture for her in a traditional society that denieswomen social equality. After five long years of fighting a losing battle against a relentless fate, Yerma finds out thathonest means do not give her the fulfillment of her dreams and it would be utterly unacceptable for her to go beyondthe boundaries of her own sense of honor. In a way, the story of Yerma reflects the agony of the present day women,who, like Yerma undergo the same torment of repressed desires and are, either driven to insanity or condemned forever.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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