Reflection of Education Administrators’ Ethical Values on Organizational Culture: Case of Plato and Kant

Emel Sünter, Tayfun Yörük, Reyhan Şekerci, Süleyman Karataş


The purpose of this study is to reveal the views of administrators on the assessment of education administrators within the context of ethical values and their reflection on organizational culture. Ten administrators who were determined using convenience sampling which is one of purposeful sampling methods, participated in the study which was conducted using qualitative research method. Qualitative research technique was used in the research and it is used in one of the qualitative research designs, phenomenological design. Considering in terms of education administration; ethical rules to be possessed by today’s school administrators were tried to be revealed on the basis of key concepts such as Plato’s “wisdom, courage, moderation and justice” concepts and Kant’s “duty, principle, will power, liability, law and rule” concepts according to his deontological theory, in accordance with the results acquired during the interview based on the application. According to the results of the research, it is possible to say that Plato's four key concepts of “Wisdom, bravery (courage), measure and justice.” Are adopted more by school administrators. It is seen that the virtues of flour are generally adopted but in practice, Kant's Deontological theory is put into practice. In addition, it is considered that every step in the direct management of the characteristics of the school administrator and the effects of the administrator in the ethical context directly affect the organizational climate.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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