The Effectiveness of a Counseling Program onDevelopingthe Nutritional Awareness of Pupils with Learning Disabilities at the Elementary Stage in Najran
The study aimed at investigating the efficacy of a counseling program on developing the nutritional awareness ofpupils with learning disabilities at the elementary stage in Najran, KSA. The sample consisted of (20) pupils distributedequally to two groups, experimental and control. The scale of Khalil (2003) for the economic, social, and cultural level,in addition to a questionnaire for the nutritional awareness that was developed by the researchers, were used to achievethe aim of the study. The study concluded that the developed program was effective in enhancing the nutritionalawareness of the pupils with learning disabilities at the elementary stage.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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