The Role Performance of the Inspectorate Division of the Ministry of Education in Inspecting Secondary Schools in Adamawa State of Nigeria
This is a survey study carried out in Adamawa State of Nigeria to determine the role performance of the inspectoratedivision of the ministry of education in inspecting secondary schools. Sixty (60) principals and 60 teachers whichwere proportionately stratified along five educational zones of Adamawa State, participated in the study. A closeended questionnaire was used to collect the relevant data for the study. The instrument sought information on roleperformance of the inspectorate division on types of inspection visits, feedback on inspection, inspection reports,curriculum innovations and impact of inspection in secondary schools. Data was analysed through Z-test andfactorial analysis of variance. Results of the analysis of responses from the questionnaire include that, the roleperformance of the inspectorate division of the ministry of education on types of inspection visits and feedback oninspection is low. The role performance of theinspectorate division on inspection reports, curriculum innovations andimpact of inspection is high. Finally, the result shows that the role performance of the inspectorate division on thefive factors of performance is low. It was recommended among others that adequate and qualified human andmaterial resources should be provided in the inspectorate division by the federal and state ministries of education tomake the role performance of the division high in secondary schools.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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