Program Development of Digital Leadership for School Administrators Under the office of Primary Educational Service Area

Chutima Luecha, Chalard Chantarasombat, Chaiyuth Sirisuthi


The purposes of the research aim to 1) To study the components and indicators of digital leadership of school administrators 2) To study the current condition desirable conditions and necessities for digital leadership of school administrators 3) Develop a digital leadership development program for school administrators 4) To study the effect of using digital leadership development program of school administrators. Results of the research are as follows: 1) Digital leadership of school administrators consist of 7 components, 22 indicators 2) Desirable Conditions for Digital Leadership of School Administrators. The overall average was at a low level. Desirable Conditions for Digital Leadership of School Administrators Overall, it's at the highest level. and the necessity of developing digital leadership among school administrators, the highest value was digital vision leadership, 3) Program development of digital leadership for school administrators is suitable possible and is useful overall, it was at the highest level. 4) The results of using the program; 4.1) Program development of digital leadership for school administrators. The efficiency was 93.01/95.55, which was higher than the 80/80 threshold set. 4.2) The effectiveness index in the program was 0.9306 or equivalent to 93.06 percent. 4.3) Program development of digital leadership for school administrators has higher academic achievement after school than before with statistical significance at the .05 level. 4.4) Executives developed with the program was no difference in educational achievement scores after 2 weeks of study. 4.5) Satisfaction of school administrators, Overall, the satisfaction level was at the highest level.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Chutima Luecha, Chalard Chantarasombat, Chaiyuth Sirisuthi

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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