The Ways of Developing Basic Competences in the Study of Foreign Languages through Interactive Methods

Nataliia A. Latygina, Yuliia O. Yuvkovetska, Olha V. Dubinina, Olena M. Kokhan, Nelia O. Mykhailova


The search for productive methods of learning foreign languages is urgent for increasing communication needs of society due to globalization. The aim of the research was to find, introduce into the educational process and test the productivity of interactive methods that can be used in the study of foreign languages and the development of basic competencies. The study involved theoretical and empirical methods, pedagogical experiment and observation. The ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model was also used in the research. Linguodidactic tests were used to assess the skills acquired by students, which are part of the basic competencies. Mathematical methods for processing experimental data, Pearson’s criterion and Cohen’s coefficient were also used. The following were chosen among the 20 interactive methods: project method, discussion, conversation, collective analysis of the situation, role play, work in pairs, work in small groups and the use of mobile applications. Their effectiveness was investigated in learning the following foreign languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Polish. It was found that they have a positive effect on improving the correctness of language, its purity, clarity, accuracy, logic, expressiveness, conciseness. They also contribute to the development of skills to structure the report, analyse information, formulate and voice opinions, use language tools. Listening and reading improve the results, they develop the ability to correctly answer questions, express oneself in accordance with the given topic etc. Further research can be focused on identifying and developing new effective interactive teaching methods for development of foreign language competencies in students.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Nataliia A. Latygina, Yuliia O. Yuvkovetska, Olha V. Dubinina, Olena M. Kokhan, Nelia O. Mykhailova

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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