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Ibadin, Peter Okoeguale
Ibrahim, Haslindar
Ibrahim, Mansor
Ibrahim, Zuraeda
Ihendinihu, John Uzoma
Ikhatua, Jude Ohi
Irfan Anuar, Muhammad
Irwin, Gretchen, Department of Accounting, Colorado State University, USA (United States)
Irwin, John G.
Isa Mohamed Isa, Che Ruhana
Isahak, Mohamad Shahril
Islam, Sayeedul
Ismail, Aida Maria
Ismail, Aida Hazlin
Ismail, Ida Suriya
Ismail, Mohd Badrulhisham
Iyoha, F.O (Nigeria)
1 - 18 of 18 Items
Accounting and Finance Research
ISSN 1927-5986 (Print) ISSN 1927-5994 (Online) Email: afr@sciedupress.com
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