The Effect of Using K.W.L Strategy upon Acquiring Religious Concepts

Khalid A Alsoudi


This study aimed to investigate the effect of using K.W.L in acquiring religious concepts among 8th grade students in
Jordan. The study sample consisted of 139 students (4sections) the sections were chosen randomly from 8th grade
students from Tafila Directorate of Education. 2 sections formed the experimental group (1 section for males and 1
section for females) they were taught using K.W.L strategy, while the control groups were consisted of 2 sections 69
students (1 section for males and 1 section for females); they were taught by using the ordinary teaching strategy.
The result indicated that the difference in achievement was statistically significant in favor of experimental groups
(α=0.05), and there was no statistical significant differences in achievement attributed to gender or to the interaction
between gender and the teaching strategy.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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