Is the ‘Health and Physical Education’ Curriculum in South Australia Enough? A Critical Review of the SACSA Framework and the New SACE Curriculum

Joy Talukdar, Tania Aspland


Sexually transmitted diseases as well as the major hepatides, hepatitis A, B and C are on the rise in South Australia, specifically among the adolescents and young adults’ age group. Adolescents rely much on school programs for their health-related information. Accordingly, the present review provides critical insights into the existing ‘Health and Physical Education’ Learning Area under the ‘SACSA Framework’ and ‘new SACE’ in South Australia. It highlights the drawbacks and also addresses the gaps in the aforesaid Learning Area, insinuating towards the need of a comprehensive curriculum in an effort to effectively combat the spread of these diseases.

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Copyright (c) 2012 Joy Talukdar, Tania Aspland

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

Copyright © Sciedu Press


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