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Fernandes, Natércia Brígido Linhares
Fernandes, Rebeca Furtado
Fernandez, Ryan, St. John’s Research Institute, St. John’s Medical College (India)
Fernández Alemán, José Luis
Ferrari-Bridgers, Franca
Ferreira, Elisa P.P.
Ferreira, Eric Benchimol, Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil)
Ferreira, Glauciano de Oliveira
Ferreira, Paulo A.C., Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra (Portugal)
Ferreira, Paulo A. C.
Ferrell, Betty, Division of Nursing Research and Education, City of Hope National Medical Center
Ferrell, Betty, City of Hope National Medical Center
Ferri, Paola
Ferris, Ella
Fessler, Cynthia, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (Switzerland)
Fetherston, Catherine Mary, Murdoch University (Australia)
Fida, Claudia
Fida, Roberta, University of East Anglia (United Kingdom)
Field, Cael
Fielden, Jann, Southern Cross University (Australia)
Filion, Françoise, Ingram School of Nursing Mcgill University (Canada)
Filippia, Nanouri, University General Hospital of Patras, Patras (Greece)
Finch, W. Holmes, Ball State University (United States)
Finder, Janice, Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital and Houston Methodist (United States)

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