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DiGiacomo, Michelle, University of Technology (Australia)
Dijkman, Eline Mariose (Netherlands)
Dikken, Jeroen, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Hague, the Netherlands (Netherlands)
Dillon, Patricia M., Nursing Programs, School of Nursing and Health Sciences, La Salle University, Philadelphia, (United States)
Dilshad, Ashraf
Dimino, Kimberly, William Paterson University Department of Nursing (United States)
Dimitroff, Lynda J., Nursing Department, Nazareth College, Rochester (United States)
Dimitroff, Lynda J., Nazareth College (United States)
DiNapoli, Christina Michele, Weill Cornell Medical College Center for Sleep Medicine (United States)
Disler, Rebecca T., University of Technology, Sydney (Australia)
Ditzel, Liz, School of Nursing Otago Polytechnic Dunedin New Zealand (New Zealand)
Ditzel, Liz Mary, School of Nursing Otago Polytechnic Dunedin New Zealand (New Zealand)
Dixon, Samuel E., Midwestern University (United States)
Djokoto, Charity, The Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives (Ghana)
Dlamini, Colile P., University of Swaziland (Swaziland)
Dlamini, Cynthia H., University of Swaziland (Swaziland)
do Nascimento, Keyla Cristiane, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil (Brazil)
Doas, Michelle, Chatham University (United States)
Doas, Michelle, Department of Nursing, Chatham University, Pittsburgh, PA (United States)
Doas, Michelle Dellaria, Associate Professor Nursing Chatham University (United States)
Doas, Michelle Dellaria, Associate Professor Nursing Chatham University (United States)
Docampo, Domingo, University of Vigo (Spain)
Docherty, Charles, Professor Department of Nursing College of Health Sciences University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)
Doctor, Henry V., Columbia University, Dept. of Population & Family Health, 60 Haven Avenue, New York, NY 10032, USA
Dodd, Amelia

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