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Higgins, Rosemary, The Royal Melbourne Hospital 3050, Victoria, Australia
Hijmans, Kyler, University of Northern Colorado (United Kingdom)
Hikita, Naoko (Japan)
Hilaire, Dany M., University of Massachusetts Boston (United States)
Hill, M. Gail, School of Nursing, University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama (United States)
Hill, Taryn, Chamberlain College of Nursing (United States)
Hill Bailey, Patricia, Laurentian University (Canada)
Hillan, Edith M., University of Toronto (Canada)
Hillhouse, Shawn, The University of Texas at Tyler School of Nursing 3900 University Blvd. Tyler, Texas 75799 (United States)
Hilliard, Tara, Schools of Nursing, Texas Tech University (United States)
Hime, Neil, Centre for Applied Nursing Research, South Western Sydney Local Health District, Sydney (Australia)
Himes, Elizabeth M., Nursing Operations, Houston Methodist Hospital (United States)
Hindmarsh, Yvonne, Northumbria University (United Kingdom)
Hines, Sandra H., Eastern Michigan University, School of Nursing (United States)
Hiromi, Sanada, The University of Tokyo (Japan)
Hirsikangas, Sari, University of Oulu (Finland)
Hiyama, Akiko, School of Nursing, Sapporo City University (Japan)
Hjälmhult, Esther, Bergen University College. (Norway)
Ho Yan Lam, Angie, School of Nursing The University of Hong Kong
Hoch, Johanna, University of Kentucky, College of Health Sciences
Hochuli, Jo Fava, University Southern California USC Professor of Clinical Medial Education & Director (United States)
Hochwälder, Jacek, Division of Psychology, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare (Sweden)
Hodge, Felicia Schanche, University of California, Los Angeles School of Nursing
Hodges, Sarah P.
Hofflander, Malin, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden)

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